This podcast is a project of the Kootenay Kids Society with hosts Nicole Purvis and Jen Gawne. The goal is to entertain and educate parents to help them raise healthy Kids. We will talk food, family fun, stories and music plus tips to survive this wild ride. For more information on Kootenay Kids programs visit http://kootenaykids.ca

Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Episode#8 RESPECT
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
Thursday Mar 10, 2022
"what the world needs now, is love, sweet love..." and... Respect.
In this episode of PPPPP we consider the word RESPECT. What does it mean to respect someone, is respect important in a family, in the world? Who do we respect?
Nicole and Jen interview two Kootenay parents that they respect and ask questions to understand how these moms consider respect in their worlds and to see how they engender respect in their families.
We respect and appreciate the Kootenay Kids Society for inviting us to produce this podcast and thank Katherine Van der Veen and Andrea Purcell for sharing their time.
We thank Dave Ronald of Allears Music Productions for the intro music and mastering of this episode.
Special thanks to Nicole Purvis for her editing and sound manipulation skills, always calm and considerate even when given fragments of sound and vague ideas.
We respect the hard working creatives in the world like Justin Trawick who blend our favorites, bluegrass and Aretha, into a fun version of a classic song. Check out his version of RESPECT on youtube.
Finally, we respect you, our listeners, for checking in and allowing us the pleasure of this podcast conversation. Thank you.
Who do you respect?

Friday Jul 02, 2021
Episode#7 Lemonade
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Friday Jul 02, 2021
Here it is... a cool refreshing sip of a podcast for your ears all about the best parts of summer; talk of tall icy drinks, summer activities to enjoy with our families, reminiscences of summer jobs past and what artists do when life offers a twist.
In this episode we interview Jess Phillips from the Nelsonkids.ca website about fun things going on this summer and Sydney Black, Executive Director of the Nelson Arts Council about what Mural Festival and Art Walk will look like this year ndac.ca
We connect with a few colleagues about their first summer jobs and we interview a local post man about the best parts of walking a mail route in the summertime.
As always, huge thanks to Kootenay Kids Society and Nelson's Family Place. Watch for the return of full programing this fall at Family Place including our free, drop in playgroup and Pancake breakfast!!
Love and gratitude to Nicole Purvis for her editing skills and a tall glass of lemonade to my family Tyuss Ronald and Dave Ronald of Allears Music Productions and Wav-Legion fame for the sound bytes, audio mastering and original music.

Tuesday May 25, 2021
Episode#6 Snacking
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Tuesday May 25, 2021
Yummmm, nothing is better than a tasty mid day snack. Snacks keep us going, break up a long task and can even act as ploys to get us where we need to be...the actual carrot on that stick!
Parents know the importance of a snack but sometimes we get stuck in a snack rut. In this episode of the podcast we explore 'Snacking'...its a bigger topic than we realized.
We interview the experts, kids and parents to hear their snacking favorites and then speak with a real expert and Kootenay based Instragram influencer @DrPamelaRD Dr. Pamela Fergusson about her favorite vegan snack choices. You can find out more about Dr. Pamela and her delicious plant based recipes at pamelafergusson.com
Well, What is your favorite snack? We have decided on all the orange foods...carrots, goldfish crackers, cheddar cheese.
Nah, not really. But kinda.
Thank you, as always, to Kootenay Kids for supporting this endevour and to our amazing production crew. Thanks to Nicole Purvis for keen sound editing, to Dave Ronald aka wav-DR. for our original theme song and songs throughout and to All Ears Music Studio for sound mastering and to Tyuss Ronald for help with the intro.
Hooray, it is spring! Grab a snack and go outside!

Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
Wednesday Feb 24, 2021
In a world where everything seems changeable and topsy turvy we turn to nature for solace. In this episode we explore 'Forest Bathing' or Forest Therapy and investigate how spending time in the woods can be soothing for our minds and nourishing for our families.
We interview Ben Porchuck, founder of the Global Institute of Forest Therapy to learn what Forest Therapy is all about and try a little forest bathing ourselves. For more info on Forest Therapy Guides or to find a forest therapist near you explore their website here https://www.giftoftheforest.com/
Thank you, as always, to Kootenay Kids for supporting this endevour and to our amazing production crew. Thanks to Nicole Purvis for keen sound editing, to Dave Ronald aka wav-DR. for our original theme song and songs throughout and to All Ears Music Studio for sound mastering and to Tyuss Ronald for help with the intro.
The sun is shining! Go outside and soak up some forest love.

Friday Dec 18, 2020
Episode#4 - HOPE
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
In this episode we celebrate the return of the light by searching out what gives us hope during this dark and strange time.
What are you hopeful for? What does hope mean to you?
Usually we explore a word together, discussing what it means and how we interact with that word in our parenting and family lives.
This time we turn the microphones to you, our community, and ask what are you hopeful for?
Listen to local voices, young and young at heart, say what hope means to them and what they are hopeful for in the new year.
Here at Kootenay Kids we are grateful for the families we interact with, the community we work in and the donations, grants and funding that keep us going. We are hopeful for a safe and cozy winter with a return to normal programming soon. In the meantime, grab some tea, settle in and listen to this glimmer of HOPE.
Thank you to all the people willing to be interviewed for this piece.
Thank you, as always to Nicole Purvis for her ace editing skills and big love, thanks and gratitude to Dave Ronald, aka wav-DR. for the theme song and original music score.

Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Episode #3 Bravery
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
Tuesday Dec 01, 2020
What does it mean to be Brave? Are we only brave when we are little kids facing something scary? Or are we brave, as adults, everyday?
This episode we explore what it means to be Brave and how we can model bravery, courage and resilience for our children.
We remember times we had to be brave, and chat with friends and childcare experts on how to share with our children.
Thanks to Rosie in Ymir for her take on being brave with our art, courageous in our sports and flexible with our children and a big thank you to Cathy Swanston, Child and Youth counselor with Nelson Community Services for her input on creating resilience in our kids.
Hint...you are already doing it :)
As always, a huge dose of appreciation to Kootenay Kids Society for being brave and letting us create this podcast and love and gratitude to Dave Ronald aka wav-DR for our theme song and music tracks throughout.
Oh, and if you like hot sauce check out Rosie's Bear Bottom Hot Sauce on Face Book ...when she isn't being brave skiing or burlesque dancing, this multi talented lady creates a yummy hot pepper condiment to get you through the winter.

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Episode #2 SINGING - Not Just for the Shower
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Here we go with Episode #2 - the Singing Episode
If you thought singing was only for the shower you would be wrong...turns out singing in your daily life can be a helpful parenting tool. It helps with literacy skills, creates heart connections and may even be good for your health!
Join us as we interview three people who sing for their living, to children, to church congregations and the general public and learn some insights as to how singing affects our world.
Not musical yourself? Turns out it doesn't matter. Find out why.
Thanks to Melanie Harper of the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy Nelson, Robyn Daintry Lamb and Morien Jones aka Mr. Mojo for their time and musical contributions.
Be sure to check out Morien's new new EP, Eyes of Life, and thanks to him for the song we used, 'Time to Move On'.
Huge thanks to Nicole Purvis for her ace sound editing skills and thanks to Dave Ronald aka wav-DR. for our theme song and instrumentals throughout.
Other links and resources to investigate

Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Episode #1 PRESERVING: your food, your photos AND your mind.
Sunday Sep 06, 2020
Sunday Sep 06, 2020